(source unknown)
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"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." Nikola Tesla (source of this quote unknown which puts in question whether Tesla even said this). I have found no other reference to this quote attributed to Nikola Tesla. Are there any? If you know the source of this quote and/or have more Tesla materials on this idea please contact me.
from YouTube channel: dalesvp/Dale Pond on Brinton 3 6 9 and John Worrell Keely HD - https://vimeo.com/199487672
Grav Inert 2/5/20 @Dale Pond I heard from another researcher who I respect that the 3,6,9 quote was written on the door of Tesla's hotel room. I have found no evidence it was ever written in a text or that it was written on his hotel room. I guess Tesla's relatives might be the only ones who could confirm that.
Dale Pond
@Grav Inert That little bit is more than I've heard from anyone else. Thanks. Perhaps one day the original Tesla source will be founds. In the meantime we have Keely's work with 369 to study.
Dale Pond
@Grav Inert Thank you for this info. Perhaps one day the original reference will be found.
Grav Inert
@Dale Pond I got that from the great researcher who used to be pen friends with Tesla's last assistant.
Here's the exact quote from the autobiography.
"All my revisions, work or operations should be divisible by the number three, and in case I made a mistake, I would start from the beginning, even if it took me a few hours.“ [Source: My Inventions- Nikola Tesla]
"I just thought it was interesting that if you divide Tesla's hotel door number [3327] by 9 you get 369.
I had heard from my friend who was pen friends with Tesla's last living assistant until he died in the 80's that the 369 quote stemmed from it being written on Tesla's hotel room door.... so whether the quote was or wasn't written on the door I guess we will never know." Paul Townley
"Tesla never said anything about 3, 6, 9. It is an Internet myth. I have personally looked through Nikola Tesla's writings, interviews, books… The quote does not exist." [Jason Verbelli]
"I read everything i could of Tesla's in the 1970s to 1990s, lectures,. patents, articles, was even working to purchase the Tesla Book Company late 1980s, read through a lot of Ratzlaff's research files.. never saw that quote anywhere. [Thomas J. Brown]
"..it is a very strange occurrence, for, I feel a little bit responsible for it. I found it and posted it on merlib etc and then it took off. I didn't create it and unfortunately i never wrote down the source so now it is accepted as truth and Canon Tesla but ppl only see the repeats of that quote and never the origin. Irks me a great deal to be honest. That i cant find it and i inadvertently gave it wings." [Esa Juhani Ruoho]
See Also
14.00.01 - Rhythmic Balanced interexchange between Attraction and Repulsion
14.01 - Hints from Bloomfield-Moore
14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being
14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9
14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9
369 - Hollingshead
369 - Tesla
7.2 - Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
analysing current
development of trinities
Diagram XIII - The Twelve Keynotes with Their Trinities
Divine Trinity
Edgar L Hollingshead
etheric seeks center
Good Heart
heart beat
Heart energy
Heart Meditation
heart pulsation
heartbeat piston
Keelys Laws of Being
Keelys Letter to Professor Daniel Brinton
law of rhythmic balanced interchange
Laws of Being - Annotated
Laws of Being
List of Synonyms for Polarity or Duality
List of Synonyms for Scalar
meeting of the keynotes and their trinities
RHYTHM - Snell
Rhythmic Balanced Exchange
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
rhythmic universe
rhythmical interplay
rhythmical sequence
scale of vitalized focalized intensity
sound is a trinity
synthesising current
Table 12.01 - The Divine Trinity
Table 2 - Controlling Modes and Proportions
Table of 369 - Synonyms
table of the key-notes and their trinities
The 12 Keynotes and Their Trinities and Scales
The Laws of Being
The Twelve Keynotes with Their Trinities and Scales Repeated
Three Laws of Being
three-fold chord of the Trinity
tonal rhythms
trinity in unity
Trinity of Cause Motion and Matter
Trinity of force
Trinity of Matter and Force - Annotated
Trinity of Matter and Force
trinity of sounds
two trinities
Universal Heart Beat
universal rhythm
369 in Portuguese, Eli De Elmos
Keely's Laws of Being - The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration - the book