"The result may better be pictured by the tornado which every action in Nature emulates. All electrical motion in the octave wave turns spirally around centering, still Magnetic shafts, just as cyclones do. All electrical compression begins by violent expansion to create a condition which borns its opposite, as all opposites in Nature do. This effect is the answer to the electrical engineer's question which asks WHY his electric current is only at the surface of his wires and cables, and not all through them except at the points where loops of force count his impulse frequencies for him. If it were possible for him to slice an electrical current into sections he would find that each section would be a ring whirling around a still center, except at points where collisions occur between the two lights of the spectrum, which are so forcibly projected from cathode zeros." [Atomic Suicide, page 122-125]
"Polarity begins as sexless unity at the cathode, which is the location for the inert gases in the octaves of elements. From there it is divided into sex-conditioned pairs as they are extended centripetally toward anodes. They again unite as one sexless unity at amplitude wave positions where they collide and become the two hemispheres of an incandescent microscopic, or macrocosmic sun, which corresponds to a "loop of force" in an electric current." [Atomic Suicide, page 182]
"Illustrating principle of projection of Mind-desire energy into pairs of tones to create the nine octaves of tones, which constitute Nature. The spiral nebula – seen edgewise – which occupies the amplitude position in the wave current, corresponds with the loop of force which centers every polarized unit of an electric current." [Atomic Suicide, page 259]
"The Einstein Equation properly defined this principle by the words which say that fast motion multiplies electric potential, but that principle has not been applied to the mechanics of coil making. For that reason the loops of force which cylindrical coils create, are not focused as they would be if they followed the crystalline shape of the balanced electric current as shown in Fig. 70." [Atomic Suicide, page 273]
See Also
Birkeland Currents
Differential Densities
lines of force