a maximal motion results, whose harmonic counterpart is the creation of the minimal form of motion, because the latter represents the totality in a single point. This is the turning or anomaly point out of which is born the creation-of-motion from which in turn the self-enclothing motion-of-creation arises.
This physical formation is the product of organic formative processes and it is obvious that in order to construct such physical forms, we must make use of certain basic shapes. This basic shape we find in the ellipse, which once set in motion, produces the mirror-image, opposite form. As the natural counterpart, the latter also creates the opposite temperament or reciprocal temperatures, which on their part give rise to the potentials and the form of motion associated with them.
Since we are here concerned with pure morphological patterns, there can be no state of equilibrium and therefore that state cannot exist, which we understand as 'rest'. In reality this apparent rest is the very highest state of motion and at the same time the point of material transformation, of the ur-generation [From Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2, 1993, section 3.1]
This form of water movement is therefore the one ur-generated by the blood of the Earth, the liquid that pressure-turbines decompose. This explains why water becomes increasingly scarce where pressure-turbines are operating. Not only do they trigger an x-ray-like emission of radiation (inner heat and light), which destroys the structure and quality of the most vital cell tissue, but in addition they rob the draining old-water of any ability to reproduce and further develop = to increase and ennoble itself, due to the decomposition of its [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
At this point the creation or ur-generation of naturalesque potential differences should be examined in more detail in order to ur-create the driving forces and propellants, which neither burn, nor stink or make a loud noise. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also