
The Keely Motor

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From the Bulletin, June 28, 1875.

Until we have this practical demonstration any expression of judgments is premature. If Mr. Keely can prove his case he is entitled to his opportunity. Mean while it is not an easy matter to convey an intelligible conception of what the alleged new discovery is, divested of the scientific technicalities. The motive principle is represented to be the expansive power of carbonic acid. This important compound, under a pressure of 36 atmospheres, at temperature of 32 degrees becomes liquid; and when the pressure which retains it in the liquid state is renewed, the rapidity of the evaporation and the enormous expansion of the vapor are such as to preclude a degree of cold under which acid solidifies, forming a white concrete substance possessed of very extraordinary properties. Prof. Faraday was the first who liquefied carbonic acid, but it was first treated as a solid by W. Thilonrier. At common temperature and pressures water absorbs its own volume of carbonic acid; under a pressure of two atmospheres it dissolves twice its volume, and so on. A correspondent of the Savannah News, who has made numerous and expensive experiments, has no doubt of its power as a mechanical agent, and adduces the following progressive augmentation of its expansive properties by increased temperatures:

At 05° Fahrenheit the pressure in pounds per square inch is 372.
At 10° Fahrenheit the pressure in pounds per square inch is 403.
At 20° Fahrenheit the pressure in pounds per square inch is 460.
At 30° Fahrenheit the pressure in pounds per square inch is 560.
At 40° Fahrenheit the pressure in pounds per square inch is 697.
At 45° Fahrenheit the pressure in pounds per square inch is 1,080.

Heretofore the great scientific difficulty has been to know how to utilize this wonderfully expansive power - to put the harness on it, so to speak, and to work it as Prof. Morse has harnessed electricity and compelled it to carry messages. Now, Mr. Keely claims, this difficulty has at length been conquered. The advantage claimed over steam and the steam engine are many, not the least of which are economy, safety, and easy control. If applied to navigation the propelling power, it is said, would not cost more than $5 to run a steamer from Savannah to New York; and, as the necessary machinery will not take up one-fourth part of the weight and room of the boiler, engine, and fuel of equal power, another advantage would be additional carrying capacity and space for freight. (Bulletin)

Dale Pond's expose on this amazing motor: Keely Motor or Hydro Vacuo Engine - How it works

See Also

A Keely Motor Tested
A New Keely Motor Raid
A Rival to the Keely Motor
Affairs of the Keely Motor Company
Apergy - Power Without Cost
Disgusted Keely Motor Men
Etheric Vapor
Hydro Vacuo Engine Patent
Keely Motor
Keely Motor Company
Keely Motor photo gallery
Mrs. Moore on the Keely Motor
The Doom of Steam
The Keely Motor
The Keely Motor - Arnold
The Keely Motor - Feats of Which it is Capable
The Keely Motor - It is not a New Discovery
The Keely Motor - What is Claimed for it
The Keely Motor Again
The Keely Motor Bubble
The Keely Motor Company
The Keely Motor Completed
The Keely Motor Craze
The Keely Motor Experts
The Keely Motor Fight
The Keely Motor Humbug
The Keely Motor Secret
The Keely Motor2
The Keely Motor video
Water Hammer
water vapor
19.05.05 - New York Times - Keely Motor Humbug
19.05.07 - The Tribune - The Keely Motor Craze
19.07 - A Modern Wizard The Keely Motor And Its Inventor

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday August 7, 2023 05:59:07 MDT by Dale Pond.