

"This intervention" he calls "atomic - intermolecular and molecular density." When the triune sympathetic stream combines with the same medium light and heat are evolved as the resultant of these "corpuscular conflictions" with the sympathetic celestial and the "focalized terrestrial centers of neutral radiation." [MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY]

"All electrical action of any character is born sympathetically of the "polar harmonic current" by the "intervention" of the dominant (celestial) as all sympathetic flows are triune. They achieve association only near the "junction of terrestrial interference". The great vacuous flow between the planetary ranges (orbits) holds this portion of the Etheric flow free from all antagonism until the associative point is reached, when instant electric evolution occurs as the dominant seeks its terrestrial negative attractive center. "This intervention" I call "atomic, intermolecular and molecular density". When the triune sympathetic stream combines with the same medium light and heat are evolved as the resultant of these "corpuscular conflictions" with the "sympathetic celestial" and "the focalized terrestrial centers" of "neutral radiation". Light is an Etheric evolution propagated by "sympathetic conflict" between the "terrestrial" and "celestial" outflows - terrestrial condensation against solar tensions. True luminosity is induced in no other way. The solution of the mystery of light and heat, which are interchangeable and in a certain sense one and the same, is that the sympathetic Etheric stream bombards the dense portion of the molecular in seeking the sympathetic concordant focalized neutral center of the mass, whether it be planetary or molecular. Light and heat can only be accounted for by considering Sympathetic Streams under high velocity as being interchangeable both to and from the focalized negative attractive centers." [Sympathetic Stream]

"Disturbance of equilibrium and sympathetic equation constitute the dual power that governs all the varied forms of life and motion which exist terrestrially, of which the electric or magnetic is the prime mover and regulator. All electrical action, no matter of what character, has its sympathetic birth by the intervention of that current of the triune flow, which I call the dominant, with the Polar harmonic current; all sympathetic flows being composed of three currents. They become associative one with the other only near the junction of terrestrial interference. The great vacuous field which exists between the planetary ranges holds this portion of the etheric flow free of all antagonism, molecularly or otherwise, till the associative point is reached; so wonderfully planned by the Great Creator, for instant electric evolution and assimilation with terrestrial centers of attraction. I call this intervention, atomic intermolecular and molecular density. The combination of the action of the triune sympathetic celestial stream with the same intervening medium induces heat and light as the resultant of these corpuscular conflictions with sympathetic celestial and terrestrial focalized centers of neutral radiation. I do not recognize electricity, nor light, nor heat as coming from the sun. These conditions, according to my theories, emanate from atomic and interatomic interference on induced molecular vibration, by sympathetic etheric vibration, the celestial attractive being the prime mover." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]

Fig. 3 illustrates the way Nature teaches us by example how to compound so as to enable chords that are separated by the intervention of others to pass to each other. In the middle of the chord scale Nature gives the root of the one chord to the top of the other, and the top of the one to the root of the other; in compounding we are taught by this example to do the same, and the top of the separated dominant is given to the root of the [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 120]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday January 6, 2021 04:07:51 MST by Dale Pond.