two kinds of electricity

"Then, in the turn of the century, Rutherford and Bohr conceived the idea of atomic construction as being based upon the firm belief in the Coulomb law, which says that matter attracts oppositely "charged" electrical matter, and repels similarly "charged" matter. Nothing could seem more convincing, for one pole of a magnet seemingly "attracted" its opposite and "repelled" its like. It never occurred to them that males and females do not unite with their own sexes. If the sex idea, in relation to electricity, had occurred to them there would never have been a Coulomb law, nor a nucleus in an atom. Nothing could be more convincing to sense-reasoning than the very self-evident fact that there must be two kinds of electricity - even if the electric current did run but one way, but with an unproved suspicion that it ran two ways." [Atomic Suicide, page 146]

"Electricity is motion - any kind, or stage of motion. There cannot be two kinds of electricity. There is but one kind of electricity but that one kind multiplies its power to compress in the first half of its cycle and divides that power in the second half. Much confusion is caused by mistaking speed for high potential, and vise versa. For this reason it is well to exemplify our meaning by the following example: To create matter by the compression of four pairs of rings, projected from cathodes, the speed of the current around its shaft of gravity multiplies constantly and volume decreases as speed increases, until the collision takes place. Simultaneously the speed of rotation of units in the current slows down until the completed mass, after the collision, is its minimum. From that point on every effect is in reverse. Revolution around the shaft of gravity of each separate unit of the mass, including projections from it like planets and satellites, become increasingly slower while rotation of each mass upon its own shaft is increasingly faster. In this case speed results in a lowering of potential and a vast increase in volume." [Atomic Suicide, page 148]

See Also

Law of Assimilation
law of negative electricity
Negative Electricity
Positive Electricity
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
16.09 - Positive Electricity is Compression
16.10 - Positive Electricity
16.15 - Negative Electricity is Expansion
16.16 - Negative Electricity - Russell
16.17 - Negative Electricity - Tesla

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday November 11, 2016 03:34:56 MST by admin.