
verb: if water or any other substance freezes it gets very cold and changes into ice (its crystalline form)
verb: Becomes more harmonic.

function unimpededly, we still have to creep and crawl around on this floor in a way that houseflies cannot emulate, which are perhaps the only beneficiaries of these incongruous conventional methods of heating. These methods will also almost completely exhaust the reserves of coal, which is no longer available in sufficient quantity, or is impossible to deliver to the point of use with the present means of transport (the true energy-gluttons), even if sufficient quantities were available for this coming catastrophic winter [1945-46]. It is therefore understandable that those who are threatened with freezing to death and starvation will fall upon this new method of heating and transport like beasts of prey, unless the matter is put in hand with extreme caution. This is the principal reason why heating with mineral substances, with which reactive temperature-forms can be produced virtually without cost, must be inaugurated with great care. These reactive temperatures are activated merely when various allotropic substances are gently stimulated by active heat influences. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]

See Also

frozen Harmony
frozen Light

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday August 28, 2022 05:45:05 MDT by Dale Pond.