There is infinite energy everywhere.
It is a fools errand to think somehow we must continue thinking of energy as something finite, and in short supply.
The issue can be traced back to the novel prize being awarded Maxwell and Helmholtz. The world was bamboozled by electromagnetic theory.
Nikola Tesla personally went to show Helmholtz that his experiment did not prove transverse wave theory(electromagnetism), but instead proved that energy prefers to travel in longitudinal waves.
Helmholtz knew his ideas were complete junk as he received his Nobel prize.
Humanity has been living in a finite world of energy ever since.
Nikola Tesla proved exceptional energy is in very tiny spheroids, Tesla called radiant matter.
He also proved that these tiny packets of energy will naturally combine, if one can break down the insulating fluid/gas that surrounds those tiny packets of energy. Tesla believed it was this insulating fluid that held the key to infinite energy.
The only thing this insulating fluid responds to is an electrostatic compressional wave, a spark…..he also found the resonant frequency of this fluid to be around 1 million cycles per second. So only the tiniest of potentials of electrostatic energy made into a longitudinal wave repeated at 1 million cycles per second unlocks infinite energy.
By the way, human thought is an electrostatic compressional wave, that is why humans can remote view, and do amazing things when the mind is entrained. Because our thought is such a high frequency, we can slow our thought to match the resonant frequency of the background insulating fluid. Thought at the correct frequency breaks open the energy packets, which helps thought get much stronger by being “boosted” by the energy in radiant matter…… so science is a path to sorcery, if one knows how to get thought to be at a particular frequency.
Never give up, we are all capable of things greater than anyone could imagine. [anon]
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