
New Concept - XXIX - The Mystery of Growth and Decay - and of Life and Death


46. Man conceives the idea of life and death of his body as a beginning and ending of the idea of himself. Back of that concept is the belief that his body is himself.

There is no beginning or ending of any effect in Nature for there is no beginning or ending of cause. Cause is eternal. Effect is eternally repeated.

Man’s body is an eternally-repeated effect of its cause, which is eternal man. Man is an IDEA - a part of the ONE WHOLE ETERNAL IDEA. Idea is unchanging. Bodies alone change. Idea is never created. Bodies alone are created to manifest idea.

All bodies are sequential repetitions of effects. All effects in Nature "rise" from the zero of eternal rest to manifest IDEA through action. They do this for a period of time, then they lie down to rest before again going into action. There is no exception to this principle in all the universe of mighty stars and microscopic particles.

All actions of all bodies are always under the control of Mind which caused them. Bodies have no power to move through their own initiative, for they have no energy or initiative of their own. Initiative is extended to bodies by the universal Mind which controls them.

Even though this treatise is for the purpose of explaining the mechanics and processes made use of by Mind to create matter, we must not for a moment forget the reality of Mind nor the illusion of matter.

In continuing, therefore, to explain Nature's methods of unfolding bodies from their Soul-seed idea into form, and refolding the records of those forms into their Soul-seed idea, we should cultivate the realization that we are dealing with thought-wave patterns of idea, and not with substance or matter.

[Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 85-86]
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See Also

interred earthly remnants

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday August 2, 2022 04:37:29 MDT by Dale Pond.