"Frequency multiplication by Trexnonar (Trexar with nine nodes) transmission proceeds by means of inducted corpuscular oscillations within the Trexar itself. On sounding the "introductory ninths" (normal oscillation being 20,000 per second and the vibrational molecular range 1/3 their diameter) Keely states his procedure as follows: He tapped a "Chladni resonating disk" (probably producing a discordant series of sounds) and thereby multiplied the normal Trexar vibration 20,000 per second to 180,000 or 9 times normal. (The three nodes are as: 3:6:9, accelerating by (9/3)2 or 9 times.) Should we start with a gold node over the platinum section, which is last, the multiplication will be 9 X 9 or 81 times, or 1,620,000 per second. Shifting the gold node to the extreme end or at the far end of the platinum section, will hold the frequency at 1,620,000 per second, with transmitted chord of B third octave." [Snell Manuscript]