Analytic Study of Harmonic Intervals (click to enlarge)
Table of Contents
1. Tones and intervals
- A. Pitch and frequency
- B. Addition, subtraction, and measurement of intervals
- C. Timbre and partials
- D. The acoustic spectrum of an interval
- E. Periodic motion
- F. Loudness and intensity
- G. Phase relations in complex tones
- H. Vibrato: periodic pulsation
2. The audible phenomena of harmonic intervals
- A. Interference: basic formulation
- B. Interference: beats
- C. Modulation
- D. Aural harmonics and combination tones
- E. Aural responses to complex tones
- F. Loudness profile of the typical aural spectrum
- G. Masking
3. The aural spectra of commensurable intervals
- A. Fundamental aspects
- B. The loudness index
- C. Pairs of spectral tones
- D. The indexes of coinciding spectral tones
- E. Minimum-index tones
- F. Significant tones of the aural spectrum
- G. Primary coincidences
- H. Coincidence of significant spectral tones
- I. The basic range
- J. Discernible intervals
- K. The "third tone"
4. The interpretation of intervals
- A. Interrelating commensurable intervals
- B. Choosing coordinates when X0 and yo are not given
- C. Conjoint intervals
- D. The aural interpretation of indiscernible
- E. Beats and the point of division
- F. Nuclei
- G. Recognizability of tunings
- H. Pseudo nuclei
- I. Accuracy of tunings
- J. Acceptability of tunings
- K. Consonance and dissonance
Bibliography Index of symbols Index of figures, tables, and plots Subject index
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See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Acoustic Impedance
Acoustic Levitation
American Acoustical Society
Handbook of Acoustics
Overtone Series
Principles of Acoustics
quantum acoustics
17.20 - Acoustic Levitation
8.25 - Triune Acoustic Forces