
A major

The two notes required for the scale of
E minor are the F# of G, and the D of C major;
for B minor, the C# of D, and the A of G major;
for F# minor, the G# of A, and the E of D major;
for C# minor, the D# of E, and the B of A major;
for G# minor, the A# of B, and the F# of E major;
for D# minor, the E# of F#, and the C# of B major. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 90]

sexual note in the scales of G major and E minor are the two A's; in D major and B minor, the two E's; in A major and F# minor, the two B's; in E major and C# minor, the two F's; in B major and G# minor, the two C's; and in F# major and D# minor, the two G's. These two last scales being the beginning of a second cycle of twelve scales when the scales are written half in flats and half in sharps, as we have done them in this case. Turning to the other half of our circle, those which we have, and which usually in music books are, written in flats, in F major and D minor the sexual notes are the two G's; in B? and G, the two C's, in E? and C, the two F's; in A? and F, the two B's; in D? and B?, the two E's; and in G? and E?, the two A's. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 91]

AS an example of the twenty-four, compare A major, developing, in Diagram II., with A minor, Diagram IX., taking the notes in the order which they sound in trinities. The three notes of the primaries sounded by A minor are, first, the same root as the major; the two next are the fourth and seventh higher notes (in the major, the fifth and sixth); the secondaries only vary by the sixth and seventh notes being a tone lower than in their relative major. Observe the order in which the pairs unite; the fourth in depth, sounded seventh, isolated. A and its root do not rise from the chasms. The fundamental key-note C was seen not to be interfered with, neither is the fundamental minor key-note A; G# on the one side, and B? on the other, being the key-notes. The seven of each minor harmony embrace only seventeen tones. C major and A minor are the only two keys which sound the seven white notes of keyed instruments. The minor scale and chords of A are not included in this remark. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Diagram IX - The Minor Keynote A and Its Six Notes, page 34a]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday March 16, 2021 03:04:51 MDT by Dale Pond.