
2.0 - Introduction

Polar, or the state of being polarized, is sometimes referred to as having two seeming opposite poles, bipolar, bias, charge, dual and sex. Examples are a magnet, an electric circuit, male and female, etc. It's opposite is depolar; not having a dual state or bereft of charge. This state of a thing or condition having two seeming opposites mutually and intermittently attracted then repulsed has been known and illustrated since antiquity. See Polar, Depolar

It seems to this author that for motion to exist there is required certain conditions. There must be a medium and this medium must possess an imbalance (asymmetry) of potential, charge or other similar condition. If we use the air as our medium the imbalance could be hot and cold, high and low pressures, greater or lesser volume, wet or dry and ionization of Positive and negative electricity. These are the generally accepted forms of imbalance in the gaseous volume of air about our planet. Should we consider a volume of the highest form of interetheric substance its form of imbalance would be potentized or not as Mind Force. This polarization of potential would increase as the particle's densification increased until we begin to see electricity and magnetism manifesting as Force and Energy, respectively. This of course being the particles themselves while the volume of particles would take on great swirling motions as these polarizations increased as the resultant vibration and oscillation frequencies increase thus setting in action another form of motion derived from harmony and discord of those frequencies. This condition could be termed sympathetic attraction and anti-sympathetic repulsion. Harmony being attractive and discord being repulsive.

As we've come to see and will appreciate more as we progress science has been conveyed through society and time as myths and metaphors. For instance, in the beginning there was supposedly "good" and "evil". The "good" polar condition was harmonious, nurturing, Love and fecundity. While the "evil" depolar condition was inharmonious, murderous, fear and sterility. Our lives are riddled with polar conditions of Love and Fear, nice and bad, hot and cold, right and wrong, Master and Slave, poor and rich, etc. And the living of our lives is not much more than reconciling these polar conditions as best we can. This is what is meant by life being a duality - where there is always a polar condition and its depolar opposite condition.

Created by Trene. Last Modification: Saturday December 17, 2011 07:12:20 MST by Trene.