

(Q) How may the body better leave off the mental worries or go about to eliminate them?
(A) "Fill the mind with something else!" [Cayce 294-91]

"Worry is harder on the body than the lack of rest." [Cayce 1236-1]

"And keep an even mental balance. DON'T worry! It is easy to say 'Don't worry,' but how may a person prevent it? By keeping control of the mind, not only through the very will of self but by keeping occupied in doing something for others." [Cayce 646-1]

"Do not burden self with that as is unnecessary to be met until the time arises, for WORRY killeth." [Cayce 900-345]

"As much as practical, leave off worry... Why worry? For worry only makes matters worse. PRAY, rather than worry." [Cayce 760-31]

"...see and know that worry will only unfit and prevent the body from meting out the best in self and for others..." [Cayce 39-4]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday August 6, 2024 05:26:40 MDT by Dale Pond.