

Not having gender, polarity, duality or poles. Being neutral, depolar.

"The sex divided condition did not occur to these early observers. Such an idea never entered their thinking. To them sex was a function of organic life and most distinctly not a part of the atomic life of inorganic matter. Nor did the spectrum red and blue divisions ever become a part of their consideration. Nor did the idea of tensions ever enter into their thinking in relation to electricity, the tension of the spectrum division which desired unity by the disappearance of the colors of motion into the Magnetic White Light of universal stillness, or the tensions of sex division of Father-Motherhood into father and mother bodies which desired unity in sexlessness. Nor did they take into consideration that the two opposites of compression and expansion coincided with concentration and decentration - growth and decay - life and death - or the polarization and depolarization principle." [Atomic Suicide, page 146]

See Also


Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday November 8, 2016 04:33:59 MST by admin.