
spiritual vibratory matrix

"However passive the situation seems, if you are using your visionary eyes, you need to see a matrix of spiritual vibratory networking[*] which needs to be established and strengthened. In other words, your observations are correct for the most part, but your reaction is superficial for the times.[**] This seemingly contradictive statement needs explanation.

"The spiritual vibratory matrix I mentioned is visible to us in the spirit world, but not to most humans. It is a vibrational component of the bioelectric system which creates a perceivable emanation to those in sympathetic resonance. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUCH A CONSCIOUSNESS IS VITAL FOR ALL KINDRED SPIRITS TO DEVELOP, FOR IT ALONE MAY GUIDE YOU IN CERTAIN DILEMMAS WHICH YOU WILL EXPERIENCE.

[*] "The spiritual vibratory networking matrix is an energy construct within your EMF which is an attractor for resonant energy matrices of others. Through the development of your own strong energy identity (which shows up to us visibly much like a spectroscopic readout) clear from blocks and negative, self-defeating patterns, the spiritual vibratory matrix will crystallize. From this matrix will come the resonance with and attraction to kindred spirits who will want to work with you. The negative patterns have and will continue to keep you from developing the working network of people who will nurture your work and welfare. Your quest must be to eliminate the "static" from the system. The static interrupts the signal which allow you to conduct the cosmic work you were meant to do. You still do the work, but there is more resistance in you and your environment. We are referring here to doing spiritual work on balancing yourself. Enough on this for now. Those things that are hardest for you to do are the clues to where the healing needs to come. Contact Dawn again if you have further questions."

[**] You are not seeing the true import of your times, although your other observations about science and the laws of physics are quite sound. The times call for supreme effort on all the part(s) of all Rainbow Warriors to get clear and spread the message of peace by way of their work. Your reactions to life are based upon the surface appearance of it; the physical aspect of it. In reality the circumstances are quite dire, when you consider the spiritual aspect of life. You are aware of this on the realm of personal freedom. However, you need to more fully appreciate the ramifications in terms of spiritual freedom. This is where you need to focus now, for it will provide the key to make your work and transition time more positive and successful. Any way you can free yourself from the fear, darkness or confusion (all forms of EMF chaos) will bring spiritual freedom." [Dawn Stranges, June 21, 1995 From JOHN KEELY to DALE, reading in Reading Stack]

See Also

Are Physical and Spiritual Energies Identical Dale Pond Dawn Stranges matrix Mental Matrix passive change spiritual Spiritual Advise from Sai Baba Spiritual Growth spiritual path spiritual unfolding spirituality Spiritualization

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday June 20, 2017 04:41:45 MDT by Dale Pond.