
negatively charged

Therefore, if water, sap or blood are over-illuminated, over-warmed or water is accelerated above its boundary velocity by pressure- and heat-intensifying techno-academic devices, such as steel ploughs, pressure turbines and pumps, pressure screws (propellers), Pelton wheels, etc., then the decomposive energies mentioned earlier come to life. These positively overcharged, invasive emanations are x-ray-like in nature and pierce every form of resistance. They penetrate right through to the negatively charged cell-nucleus and in the surrounding growth and life-forms cause the cell-nuclei to split. There [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

In this way this dangerous centrifugence-machine was rescued from oblivion, which decomposes the geospheric and therefore negatively charged mother-water of the Earth (the true carrier of fructigens) in ever wider circles as the turbine's rate of rotation rises with increasing head of pressure. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

The vertically propagating energy-form, which in a vacuum tube produces an intense and dazzling light - or a Sun in statu nascendi as it were - likewise describes a cycloid-space-curve path, but one in which the transverse radius reduces. The faster the water-droplet falls and the higher the vacuum-bulb is positioned on the longitudinal axis, the more dazzling and intense the light becomes. The further the vacuum-bulb is removed from the source of the horizontally emitted energy-form, the darker the strongly pulsating blood-red glow becomes. If heavily insulated shields (such as paraffin wax), which have a braking effect, are interposed around this radiant energy-bundle, then under the influence of atmospheric light and heat, positively charged water is produced. However, if the same process is repeated with the exclusion of light and heat, then negatively charged water results. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]

See Also

negative electricity

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday September 27, 2022 05:15:15 MDT by Dale Pond.