mechanical physics

See classical physics, Sympathetic Vibration v Newtonian Physics

"In the economy of nature profit and loss must balance in mechanical conditions; but Keely is not dealing with mechanical physics. There is an immense difference between vibratory physics, in which field Keely is researching, and mechanical physics. The consumption of coal to expand water for the production of steam power, in the operation of engines, cannot be compared to a force which is yielded in sympathetic vibration or by sympathetic flows. In mechanical physics, no matter what the nature of the force may be, its productions must necessarily be accompanied by a corresponding expenditure of force in some form or other. The amount of force covered by a human volition cannot be measured, yet it produces the wonderful effects that are exhibited on the human frame in its overt actions. Something like this is the difference between sympathetical and mechanical force. The force of will cannot be multiplied by mechanical means, making it give pound for pound. This would annihilate both the mental and the physical, were it possible." [Vibratory Sympathetic and Polar Flows, splitting the atom - Keely]

"As a subject which does not admit of verification by the prescribed canons of mechanical physics is held to be unworthy of attention, as untenable, it is fortunate for the cause of humanity that modern science has reached its ultima thule, where the tide of materialism must set back and carry with it the drift-wood of skepticism which has been accumulating during this century.

To quote the words of a physicist (at the Forest Gate Physical and Chemical Laboratories), "The door, between us and the spirit-world, which it has been declared is shut and bolted is even now ajar and a few gleams of light are struggling over the threshold from Keely's discoveries."

The artificial beacon, fed with the oil of learning, so proudly held aloft by modern science, is flickering; and many great minds are rebelling against the darkness in which it has plunged the mysteries it sought in vain to unravel. The Popery of scientific authority must have its downfall now that researchers after knowledge are making a stand and contending their right to think for themselves, instead of allowing dogmatic science to decide for them.

There is a light which sympathetic physics teaches us will never fail: - the inner light, or intuition, if we seek its guiding rays. The Spirit of Truth will lead us into all truth is the promise given by One who spake as never man spake before; and, with the foundation stones of pseudo science crumbling away, there is nothing left to fall back upon but the fortress of Revelation." [Veil Withdrawn]

"It is conceded by those most conversant with the nature of Keely's discoveries that he must either create force, or liberate latent energy. As Omnipotence alone creates, it follows that Science must be wrong in two of her most fundamental laws; one relating to the indivisibility of the atom; the other to the dissipation of energy in molecular aggregation. This, Keely establishes in the one experiment of disintegration of water, releasing from three drops the latent energy carried, during and from the time of molecular aggregation, and showing a pressure of fifteen tons to the square inch. Therefore, ought it not to be conceded that it is not "a waste of time and thought " to give attention to Keely's theories, and to investigate from the standpoint of vibratory physics, instead of setting limits to the operations of Nature and the power of the Almighty from the narrow platform of mechanical physics?" [True Science]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday January 21, 2023 02:00:07 MST by Dale Pond.