
imaginary number

An imaginary number is a number with a square that is negative. When any real number is squared, the result is never negative, however, the square of an imaginary number is always negative. Imaginary numbers have the form bi where b is a non-zero real number and i is the imaginary unit, defined such that i 2 = −1.

An imaginary number bi can be added to a real number a to form a complex number of the form a+bi, where a and b are called, respectively, the "real part" and the "imaginary part" of the complex number. Imaginary numbers can therefore be thought of as complex numbers where the real part is zero, and vice versa. The name "imaginary number" was originally coined in the 17th century as a derogatory term as such numbers were regarded by some as fictitious or useless, but today they have essential, concrete applications in a variety of scientific, engineering, and related areas. Wikipedia -Imaginary Numbers

See Also

12.21 - Fibonacci Whole Numbers v Irrational Decimal near Equivalents
atomic number
cardinal number
Figure 3.00 - Infinite Number of Atomoles or Alphanon filling all Space
Indig Numbers
mass number
Oxidation Number
proton number
quantum number
Sympsionics Numbers
wave number

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday August 24, 2011 03:33:02 MDT by Dale Pond.