


American airship, the Akron, which was filled with helium, collapsed (imploded) and crashed on a cool and misty morning, because for hitherto unknown reasons the helium-filling reverted to water. In the first case fire was created and in the second case - water. With fire an approximately 1,800-fold increase in volume occurs, whereas the reverse metamorphosis of helium into water is associated with an 1,800-fold reduction in volume. This reduced volume is the 'biological vacuum', which is the result of chain-reactions and is an ideal source of motive power. In biotechnical machines a vacuum is initially created through the volume-reducing function of the whorl-pipes through which, in a process of repulsion, energy can be drawn off.

Single Jet Experiment


[The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday June 29, 2022 03:39:15 MDT by Dale Pond.