Chapter 2 - How Radioactivity Kills - part X, page 43

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We have stated before that all of the elements of matter are frozen flame. The genero-active compressive force of Nature quite easily freezes low potential explosions. Each succeeding higher potential requires greater effort to freeze it, therefore, it requires greater heat to melt it. The highest melting point of all the elements is 3,600 centigrade. This high point is reached at carbon. Silicon in the next octave reaches only 1,420 degrees and cobalt only 1,440 degrees.

The great unexplained mystery of melting points is the fact that the red side of the carbon octave reaches high melting points because of the fact that two of them are dense solids. On the blue side all three are gases and have melting points as low as 223 degrees below zero. Fluorine reaches this point while its mate on the red side, which is lithium, reaches 186 degrees above zero.

It seems strange that this octave of the highest maturity has three below zero elements on its blue side and high ones on its red side, when the dying elements have very high melting points on the blue side and less than half of those points on the red side. It is more strange still to metallurgists that many of the elements in the radio-active half of the chart are heavier and much more solid than carbon, the heaviest element on the living side of the chart. Tantalum, for example, reaches 3,400 degrees, while its close neighbors on the blue side, reach 2,900, 2,700, 2,250, 1,750 and 1,063. The answer to this is also more clearly defined later, but, very briefly, the reason is that the red side of the spectrum represents the fatherhood of Creation, which seeks the inside of forming spheres where the fires of Creation are centered, and the blue side represents its motherhood and seeks the outside to fashion bodies in her womb, and cool them

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into form. In the first half of the electric creating process the blue half is compressed out of the generating body, by exploding from within, while the red half gains its center, by compression exerted from the outside. In the second half the situation is reversed. All Nature is constantly reversing, and in doing so is constantly turning inside out and outside in. This conspicuous and obvious fact of Nature has not yet been sensed by observers.

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