"Following this diagram are others of a sequence which demonstrate that bodies are created and given life, for a purpose, by increasingly fast thought-power motion around their Energy-Source." [Atomic Suicide, page 193]
See Also
cycle of motion
effect of motion
effects of motion
electric current of motion
electric thought-rings of motion
electrical power of motion
expression of power
light waves in motion
Magnetic Light of all-knowing, all-powerful Mind
magnetic power
memory of the motion
Mind and Mind-thought universe
Mind and motion universe
Mind centers motion
Mind-concentrative power
motion is Mind-thinking
motion of divided balance
motion of thinking
motion universe
pattern of thought
period of motion
power of magnetism
Pulsing Electric Thought-Waves
record in motion
recorder of Mind-thought
rings of motion
senses are motion
thought-ring of motion
two-way divided effects of motion
two-way universe of motion
universal direction of motion