
principle of continuity

"BALANCE is the principle of unity, of oneness. In it is the stability which lies in CAUSE. BALANCE is the foundation of the universe.

"BALANCED INTERCHANGE simulates oneness by interchange between pairs of opposites. It is the principle of equal giving between all moving pairs of unbalanced opposites which constitute this dual electric universe. In it is the instability of EFFECT. Instability is forever seeking to find stability. It can never find it, but it can simulate it by balancing its instability through equality of interchange.

"RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE is the principle of continuity of EFFECT. Balanced interchange between opposites repeats simulation of stability, and rhythmic balanced interchange continues that repetition." Russell, The Secret of Light, page 106-107

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday July 26, 2020 05:08:52 MDT by Dale Pond.