

"Every revolution of the circuits represents eight distinct polar and depolar waves. When the maximum (five hundred revolutions per minute) is reached, there are four thousand polar and depolar interchanges. In sympathetic philosophy the polar circuit represents the brain power of the instrument, or the medium of impregnation from celestial radiating outflow; the depolar circuit represents the organism, which is actuated to do the sympathetic work as dictated by the same power, or element, (2) that virtually operates our physical organisms; the work done representing the power expended to equate the power transmitted, although the movements in the physical organism are much more complicated." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

"For the application in self, the TRY, the effort, the energy expended in the proper direction, is all that is required of THEE. God giveth the increase." [Cayce 601-11]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday June 4, 2023 04:17:33 MDT by Dale Pond.