
axes of force

All quiescent matter consists of compound molecules of different groupings. These groupings are in simple ratios. Each group is surrounded by an envelope in which occur axes of force, according to the form of grouping and this form varies with each substance. The variations in form of the crystals are caused by varying attractions between the different internal molecular elements. [Snell Manuscript - the book, MOLECULAR AGGREGATES]

See Also

axes of force
axis of direction
axis of gravity
axis of rotation
centering shaft
common developmental axis
cyclone shaft
developmental axis
epicentre of commotion
Figure 13.23 - Three Actuators on Shaft and Black and White Coatings
Figure 14.01 - Overtones Developed Musically Showing Up as Isotopes along the Vertical Axis of this Chart
Figure 16.05 - Electric Centering Shaft around which dances Magnetic Vectors
Figure 4.11 - Six Planes and Three Shafts Coincide to Produce Spheres
Figure 5.11 - Dynamics and Development of Circulating Contractive Ring on One Axis
Figure 7.2 - Step 2 - Vortex Formation about a Single Axis
gravity extends to a shaft
Gravity is a shaft of Mind-controlling stillness
gravity shaft
gravity shafts
Intermediate Axis Theorem
longitudinal axis
Magnetic Shaft
neutral center
octave wave shaft
polar shaft
primary shaft of gravity
series of points in space which form a shaft
shaft of gravity
shaft of Magnetic stillness
shafts made up of many points
still Magnetic shafts
still shaft
system of axes
transverse axis
two different axes
wave axis
wave shaft
wobbling axis
zero shaft

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday October 6, 2022 05:30:04 MDT by Dale Pond.