Solvay Conference
The "International Institutes for Physics and Chemistry founded by Ernest Solvay", or "International Solvay Institutes" for short, are an international research institute running research programs on "curiosity-driven" themes in physics, chemistry and related disciplines.

Seated (L-R): Walther Nernst, Marcel Brillouin, Ernest Solvay, Hendrik Lorentz, Emil Warburg, Jean Baptiste Perrin, Wilhelm Wien, Marie Curie, and Henri Poincare.
Standing (L-R): Robert Goldschmidt, Max Planck, Heinrich Rubens, Arnold Sommerfeld, Frederick Lindemann, Maurice de Broglie, Martin Knudsen, Friedrich Hasenhrl, Georges Hostelet, Edouard Herzen, James Hopwood Jeans, Ernest Rutherford, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, Albert Einstein, and Paul Langevin.
The Crisis That Hit Physics 100 Years Ago
See Also
Scientists Explorers and Discoverers