
SVP mathematics

Mr. Keely realizes the full extent of the difficulties which he yet has to contend with in obtaining continuity of action, though, with his sanguine temperament, anticipating near and complete success. To quote from his writings:- "The mathematics of vibratory etheric science, both pure and applied, require long and arduous research. It seems to me that no man's life is sufficient, with the most intense application, to cover more than the introductory branch. The theory of elliptic functions, the calculus of probabilities, are but as pigmies in comparison to a science which requires the utmost tension of the human mind to grasp. But let us wait patiently for the light that will come - that is even now dawning." [Keely and His Discoveries, The Fountain Head of Force]

AI Synthesis of Important SVP Principles

Write mathematic formulae for the following individual items; Sympathetic Vibration; Neutral Center; Zero-Point energy or Space Vacuum; Scalar Potential; Differentiation; Syntropy; Mind as Source of all energy; and a summary set of formulae tying these points together.


See Also

AI Interpretations of SVP
action-reaction mathematics of the cycle
geometry and mathematics of space
SVP math symbols
SVP physics and dynamics

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday November 25, 2024 06:00:41 MST by Dale Pond.