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God-Consciousness and cosmic awareness of the Light of the divine Presence within every man is the next step in the spiritual nature of man. Thousands - and then more thousands - are beginning to comprehend that Inner Voice of one's own Mind coming from within each man. The reason for that is because the human race is still in its intellectual infancy. The Dawn of Mind-Consciousness is too recent for all men to THINK with their Mind.
Man-in-the-mass still senses with his body. His desires are still dominated by his senses. His concepts are still sense-based. He hurts himself with his own acts and calls it evil. He conceives a personal God with vengeful human emotions.
All that Jesus told the world about the unity of God and man, and the location of the Mind-kingdom within every man, has no meaning except for the very few illumined ones and the very many who now so deeply desire that illumining.
Yes - God-Consciousness is slowly infiltrating the human race as man knows more and more how to THINK with his Mind instead of SENSING with his body. We, who know God in us, are desirous of illumining the path for you to find that Light of Inner Knowing - and when you do find it, you will then be able to say - with deep knowing - I and my Father are ONE - and you will know all things.
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