In the major system, when the tonic chord follows the subdominant one, there is one semitonic progression to the middle of the tonic, and one note in common with the root, so these two chords are linked together in different ways. When the tonic chord follows the dominant one, there is one semitonic progression to the root of the tonic, and one note in common with its top, so these two chords also are linked together in two different ways. When the tonic chord follows the compound dominant, i.e., the dominant seventh, there are two semitonic progressions, one to the middle and one to the root, and one note in common with its top, so these two are linked together in the same two ways; but the semitonic progression being double gives this resolution great urgency. And now we come to the two chords, the subdominant and dominant, which have no note in common, and must, when they succeed each other, be helped to come together. Nature teaches us how this is to be done by a process of borrowing and lending which will establish between them a similar relationship to that which keeps the continuity of the other chords in succession. We have seen that the top of the subdominant and the root of the tonic are a note in common to these chords, and so the top of the tonic and the root of the dominant also are a note possessed in common by these two chords. In like manner in this disjunct part, when the dominant follows the subdominant, the root of the subdominant is lent to the top of the dominant, and thus they come to have a note in common. The top of the [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 111]

See Also

chord resolution to center
Ramsay - PLATE XI - Diatonic Resolutions Simple and Compound
Ramsay - PLATE XIX - Chromatic Resolutions
Ramsay - PLATE XVII - Chromatic Resolutions Major
Ramsay - PLATE XVIII - Chromatic Resolutions Minor
Ramsay - PLATE XX - Chromatic Resolutions
Ramsay - PLATE XXVI - Chromatic Resolutions
Ramsay - The Chromatic Chord a Universal Joint for Resolution
Signal Resolution
system of resolutions

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday December 28, 2020 04:32:17 MST by Dale Pond.