
chord resolution to center

"The three notes of the dominant chord resolve by each note going to the next note upward - G soars to A, B to C, D to E. The three notes of the subdominant resolve by each note going to the next note downward - C sinks to B, A to G, F to E. The two upper notes of the dominant resolve into the tonic chord according to the Laws of Proximity and Specific Gravity; and the two lower notes of the subdominant resolve into the tonic chord according to the Laws of Proximity and Specific Gravity. And in this way Nature, in chord-resolutions, has two strings to her bow." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 96]

See Also

dominant chord
tonic chord

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday September 14, 2018 02:35:24 MDT by Dale Pond.