[p. 26]
As we sit in meditation by our fireside let our imaginations wander a bit. Here we sit in perfect comfort. Our room is warm. We can go to bed when we wish and sleep in comfort all night. We are not hungry. We have good bodies. Our temperatures are 98.6 - as they should be. Our pulses are normal - as they should be. Everything about us is normal. We can get up in the morning, have breakfast, go to town in a ready waiting car, and plan our day's work and evening's relaxation without fear of interference, because everything outside our home is as normal as it is at home. That is what you want, is it not? Is not that what all civilization is striving for? Is it not a fact that human happiness, health, safety, prosperity and all things worthwhile depend upon the normalcy of our environment and our human relations?
Our temperature could not remain at 98.6 if this planet could be pushed five million miles nearer to the sun. Our temperature would rise. We would have a fever of several points. Naturally that could not be done, but its equivalent could be done by the use of radioactive fission. Our normal life could quite easily be made unhappy and dangerous if the town's water supply became polluted, or a hundred other things which could happen to you in your home, or to the town or nation, which would upset your normalcy.
Epidemics of typhus, polio, smallpox, and many other things have upset the normal growth of individuals and nations. Two thirds of middle Europe were wiped out by bubonic plague. A war tomorrow might draft you out of your comfortable home, your bed, your work and your relaxation. Your own desired nor-
[p. 27]

(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
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malcy can be ended in a flash, and an abnormalcy take its place, which you do not desire. Instead of a happy Hungarian family and comfortable home of this minute, some are dead, and some are in prison, or exiled to Siberia in the next hour. This is true, is it not? It is quite a familiar picture to the whole world, and not one person in all the world remains untouched by the abnormalities which have upset the great orderly rhythmic growth which Nature intends for all creating things, and will give to them if they cooperate with Nature in keeping that normal rhythm of her orderly unfolding of all creating things.
Normalcy of environment is a necessity of all Creation. Eidelweis will not grow in a valley. No one would attempt to raise tropic fruits in Canada, nor could polar bears survive in Florida. If you knew that certain actions of man would so change the normalcy of your environment that it would cause an epidemic of bubonic plague, would you not rise en masse with your neighbors to prevent it? Of course you would. Bubonic plague would be a mild and transient effect as compared with what is now being planned for the human race, for many would survive it, and future centuries would forget it. Not so with radioactive fission, however, for none would survive to forget it. We wish to demonstrate and explain to you why oxygen dependent vegetable and animal life could not again appear upon this earth for twenty to thirty thousand years if man's plan is consummated.
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