Three times three are nine this would give nine notes; but as the top of the first chord serves for the root of the second one, and the top of the second for the root of the third, in this way these three chords of three notes each are formed from seven different notes. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 96]
See Also
Figure 14.01 - Overtones Developed Musically Showing Up as Isotopes along the Vertical Axis of this Chart
generative top of the minor
protoplasm of notes
Ramsay - The Protoplasm of Music
top of the ascending genesis
top of the dominant
top of the dominant chord
top of the dominant major
top of the dominant minor
top of the first is the root of the second
top of the major dominant
top of the major dominant
top of the minor dominant
top of the minor dominant B
top of the minor subdominant
top of the second is the root of the third
top of the seventh octave
top of the tonic
top of the tonic E
top of the twelfth fifth