
sub-relative minor

Starting again at C major and A minor and going round by the keys in ?s, we come first to D minor and F major. The major gets its ? fourth from the ? sixth of the relative minor; and as the interval between D-E, the major sixth and seventh, must be a 9-comma interval, and its own D-E is only an 8-comma one, it must take the D of A minor, which is a comma lower, and this will correctly show the 9-comma interval between D and E. This is the way of their mutual providing in the region of ?s; the ? sixth of the minor is given to be the ? fourth of the relative major; and the comma-lower fourth of the sub-relative minor becomes the correct sixth of the major. The arrows indicate the source from which, and the place to which; the new notes come and go. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 113]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday December 30, 2020 04:26:56 MST by Dale Pond.