mathematical process

The individual molecules constantly oscillate through one third the molecular diameter, with a frequency of 20,000 per second. The range of oscillation inducted molecular substances by the same initial vibration differs in degree, which can be measured in substances and metals and expressed mathematically. This was actually so done in certain substances and metals by Keely, who called this mathematical ratio of frequency transmission the "coincident of transmission." [Snell Manuscript - the book, MOLECULAR AGGREGATES]



When the major and minor scales are generated to be shown the one half in #s and the other half in ?s, it is not necessary to carry the mathematical process through the whole 24, as when the majors are all in #s and the minors all in ?s; because when six majors have been generated in #s, they furnish the new notes needed by the six relative minors; and when six minors have been generated in ?s, they furnish the new notes for the six relative majors. This plate begins with the major in C and the minor in A. The notes of these two are all identical except the D, which is the sexual note, in which each is not the other, the D of the minor being a comma lower than the D of the major. Going round by the keys in #s, we come first to E minor and G major. G major has been mathematically generated, and the relative minor E gets its F# from it; but the D of C major must also be [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 112]

See Also

Law of Mathematical Ratios
mathematical evolution
mathematical framework
mathematical genesis
mathematical intonation
mathematical number
mathematical origin and structure
mathematical scales
mathematical system
scale of mathematical intonation
thirteen major mathematical scales
thirteen minor mathematical scales
three mathematical primes

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday October 6, 2022 05:11:56 MDT by Dale Pond.