Through this metabolic process a transformation takes place that ultimately gives rise to a motion leading to a higher and a lower product of synthesis. This further results in two different current flows and the products associated with them. In the first case, this logically leads to the formation of a higher energy-form, which pierces through any enclosing walls and expresses itself as an emitted charge. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also
9.20 - Center and Periphery
Figure 5.2 - Centers of Swirls are High Tension while Swirl Periphery are Low Tension
Figure 9.6 - Center and Periphery
peripheral flow
peripheral mass
peripheral water
peripheral water-mass
pressure walls
Report Concerning the Preliminary Investigation of Helicoid Pipes with Various Shapes of Pipe-Wall
wall pressure