
Report Concerning the Preliminary Investigation of Helicoid Pipes with Various Shapes of Pipe-Wall

Report Concerning the Preliminary Investigation of Helicoid Pipes with Various Shapes of Pipe-Wall carried out at the Institute of Hygiene at the Stuttgart University of Technology, Germany.

Director: Prof. Dr. - Ing. habil. Franz Popel.

During negotiations on the 9th of February 1952 the Biotechnical Study Group made various prototypes of straight and spiral helicoid pipes of different materials available to the Institute of Hygiene at the Stuttgart University of Technology in order to clarify fundamentally the following problems:

1. Can water be brought into a multiple in-winding, convoluting, spiral motion when flowing through pipes?
2. Does the form of the conducting pipe play a decisive role in the attainment of this convoluting motion?
3. Does the material of the pipe play a decisive role in achieving this in-winding spiral motion?
4. Do changes in the molecular structure of the water occur during this in-winding flow process?
5. Could these in-winding flow processes be utilized in the prevention of pipe-encrustation?
[from: The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, page 222]

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ChatGPT Analysis of Schauberger’s Dual Spiral Flows in Helicoid Pipe Designs [2/14/25]: [1] https://chatgpt.com/share/67af3ab6-f488-800d-8505-85126e39e457

See Also

Report Concerning the Preliminary Investigation of Helicoid Pipes with Various Shapes of Pipe-Wall

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday February 14, 2025 05:49:08 MST by Dale Pond.