

Electrohydrodynamics (EHD), also known as electro-fluid-dynamics (EFD) or electrokinetics, is the study of the dynamics of electrically charged fluids. It is the study of the motions of ionized particles or molecules and their interactions with electric fields and the surrounding fluid. The term may be considered to be synonymous with the rather elaborateelectrostrictive hydrodynamics. ESHD covers the following types of particle and fluid transport mechanisms: electrophoresis, electrokinesis, dielectrophoresis, electro-osmosis, and electrorotation. In general, the phenomena relate to the direct conversion of electrical energy into kinetic energy, and vice versa.

In the first instance, shaped electrostatic fields (ESF's) create hydrostatic pressure (HSP, or motion) in dielectric media. When such media are fluids, a flow is produced. If the dielectric is a vacuum or a solid, no flow is produced. Such flow can be directed against the electrodes, generally to move the electrodes. In such case, the moving structure acts as an electric motor. Practical fields of interest of EHD are the common air ioniser, electrohydrodynamic thrusters and EHD cooling systems.

In the second instance, the converse takes place. A powered flow of medium within a shaped electrostatic field adds energy to the system which is picked up as a potential difference by electrodes. In such case, the structure acts as an electrical generator. [wikipedia]

Chatgpt on creating vortices in water with electric fields.

“Yes, it is possible to create a vortex in water using electric fields through a process called electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow. Here's how it can be done:

Setup: Place a container filled with water or a conductive fluid on a non-conductive surface. Two electrodes are inserted into the fluid, typically positioned opposite each other.

Electric Field Application: Apply a high voltage between the electrodes. This generates an electric field in the fluid.

Ionization and Electrostriction: The electric field ionizes the fluid, creating charged particles (ions). As the ions move in response to the electric field, they create localized regions of high and low electric field strength. This non-uniform electric field induces electrostriction, causing the fluid to deform and form vortices.

Vortex Formation: The combination of electrostriction and the fluid's inherent viscosity results in the formation of vortices. These vortices can vary in size and intensity depending on factors such as the voltage applied, electrode geometry, and fluid properties.

Control and Manipulation: The shape, size, and behavior of the vortex can be controlled by adjusting parameters such as the voltage magnitude, frequency, and electrode configuration. By modulating the electric field, it's possible to change the direction, speed, and stability of the vortex.

Applications of electrically induced vortices in water include mixing and agitation in chemical processes, fluid mixing in microfluidic devices, and enhancing heat and mass transfer in various engineering applications. Additionally, understanding and controlling electrohydrodynamic flows can lead to advancements in fields such as fluid dynamics, particle manipulation, and environmental engineering.” [Jeremy Pfeiffer]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday May 25, 2024 04:51:40 MDT by Dale Pond.