
aetheric field

"The 'aetheric field' is only another name for God - sympathetic flows are the breath of God, permeating the vast volume of space. We must become conversant with this philosophy before we can realize the infinite degrees of pleasure in the future state, as made known to us in the solution of this subtle and greatest of all problems, sympathetic flows. The higher order we attain in our earthly connections the higher will be the tenuous conditions after liberation from the physical. The degrees of future happiness, high or low orders, depends upon our line of graduation in the physical or earthly state. It is not possible that a crude organism, susceptible of only low orders of graduation, can soar, after its liberation from its earthly tenement, to a condition of as high an etheric assimilation as one of a much finer order. Our lives are graduated here by the good or evil we assimilate...

"I lose myself in my conjectures when contemplating this wonderful power, and feel then to be a partial sacrilege; for who can fathom the ways of the Most High? No finite mind can reach up to Infinity; but it is given us to appreciate much that we cannot understand. Of "independent centers," Keely writes: "The atomic spheroids cluster in triplets, and rotate in that order of subdivision which I call inter-aetheric or fourth order; the interstitial flow of which I recognize as independent centers, having that inconceivable rotatory attraction that gives to each the power of self-assimulation." [Keely, Keelys Secret - He Explains His Mystic Force]

See Also

depolar field
Field Physics
H Field
luminous field
neutral field
polar field
sympathetic field

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday November 3, 2017 03:08:28 MDT by Dale Pond.