

Robert Ambelain
“There are two vitriols,” says Tripied, or rather, vitriol can be found in two forms: pure vitriol and impure or crude vitriol. (Tripied "Philosophical Vitriol").
Indeed, according to Paracelsus, in all things there is a soul, which he calls the Predetermined Element. This predetermined Element, according to Paracelsus, consists of salt, sulfur and mercury, it is immersed and dispersed in the mass formed of phlegm and dead (or "cursed") earth, which forms our body, that which is accessible to our vision. The dead earth is, without a doubt, the hyle (gr. hyle - substance, matter. - translator's note) of the Gnostics.
We can find a wonderful example in the plant kingdom. What are the various alkaloids (quinine, aconitine, etc.) if not the pure and active principle of these plants, which, once deprived of this principle, are deprived of their strength and activity?
Now, regarding material Alchemy, let us suppose that we are able to suppress this phlegm and dead earth, and then we have pure vitriol; if not, then we will get an impure vitriol, and the Work will be harder and longer if the vitriol is impure, or if the predestined Element is in small quantity. So it is this vitriol that is the basis of the Hermetic Work.
This is the primary matter of Art. This is the salt (not "Scel"), which, through a series of actions, will take the form of Mercury or Secret Fire, and by means of the deep union of the Changeable with the Fixed, will present to us Sulfur, the Philosophical Lover, attracting the Universal Spirit, sal ammoniac (ammonium salt - approx. . transl.) Artefius... This series of operations was formulated in the famous lapidary maxim (its words produce an amazing resonance) of Basil Valentinus: “Visita Interiora Terrae, Rectificando, Invenies Occultum Lapidem...” - from which, according to the technique, well known to Jewish Kabbalists, the word VITRIOL is obtained."
"From here we learn what the first action should be in the field of Spiritual Alchemy. In his brief work on the esoteric path to the Absolute, Grillot de Givry writes:
“Therefore do not ask for Faith in order to pray. Pray first, and Faith will fill your soul! In addition, I have told you enough so that you know that now you need to create a mystical body that will replace the physical in all its actions so that you can effectively use your spiritual powers. So you will begin to live in the supernatural, and this is the Path...” (Grillot de Givry “The Great Work”, II)
A little earlier he gives us clear recommendations: “Coordinate all your actions and impressions so that you can form a beautiful and harmonious whole. Force yourself to achieve absolute clarity of understanding. Turn away from what clogs your vision. Don't listen to what pollutes your ears. Elevate your moral feelings in order to absorb them from the heart of the Absolute...” [Robert Ambelain, "Spiritual Alchemy: The Inner Path"]

See Also

Ptomaine Radiation

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday June 29, 2024 11:32:57 MDT by Dale Pond.