Keely invented analog devices that could produce extremely high frequencies. His Sympathetic Attractor produced frequencies that are "off the charts":
"The only known factors of the experiments that were in the room with Mr. Keely were the Liberator and a brass tube about four and a half inches in diameter, and perhaps eight inches deep. This piece of mechanism was supposed to be full of "resonators," and the top suggested and old-fashioned candle-mold. In exhibiting this through the window, by which he had his only communication with any of the party, Mr. Keely said as he placed it on the bench beside him, "I can give you 140 octaves with that." [Mr. Keely’s Researches - Sound Shown to be a Substantial Force; by Henry B. Hudson, associate editor of The Scientific Arena, December, 1886]
"In the establishment of the vibrations in Mr. Keely's mechanism, in the first instance, sounds that are distinctly audible to every one will be observed; in their after operation, particularly in his structure termed his "Sympathetic Attractor" (which has a range of 140 octaves) and is the source of motion of his engine, it will be observed that its vibrations are invisible to the eye and inaudible to the ear, hence as, apparently, it is in a state of rest, or quiescence, it might, superficially be considered as incapable of performing any function, and that the cause or source of motion of his engine is to be sought for elsewhere. The fact, however, that the motion of the engine is directly caused and has its origin in the Attractor and nowhere else, will be, I think, irrefutably demonstrated to you, and this being shown you are asked to bear in mind the fact that the capacity of senses of sight and of hearing to see bodies in motion and to hear the resultant sounds is very limited. Helmholtz fixes the lower limit of the human ear at 16, and the higher at 38,000 vibrations, a second, and the range of the ear far transcends that of the eye." [Letter from Collier]
140 octaves = 2^140 = 1,393,796,574,908,163,946,345,982,392,040,522,594,123,776 Hertz/cps
See Also