
New Concept - XV - Two as-yet-unknown Facts of Nature


While considering Newton's laws I would like to touch lightly upon two as-yet-unknown characteristics of Nature.

1. One of these is the fact that every simultaneous and sequential action-reaction is in reverse of the other, yet Nature never reverses its direction from the instant polarization begins. It then extends its dividing effects in two opposite directions - each the reverse of the other - until both of those extensions are voided in their zero of origin even though they traverse the universe in so doing.

The illusion of reversal is so convincing that it seems incredible that it is not factual. The inward thrust of gravity is in the reverse direction of the outward thrust of radiation. Clockwise spirals are the reverse of anti-clockwise spirals, yet each is born out of the other without a reversal of direction, even though the effect seems to be in reverse direction.

This must have been intuitively divined by Newton when he wrote his first law. The words "continue .... in a straight line" have in them a suggestion of his intuitive understanding of that principle, which he was unable to express in the measure of his inspiration. In many such ways he gives evidence of the mystic in him.

2. The other characteristic is the strange effect of polarity which causes all actions-reactions in Nature to forever turn inside-out and outside-in. This illusory effect contributes to the simulation of reversal in Nature, giving to Nature the sequences of solid bodies of incandescent suns, surrounded by vacuous black holes of space, followed by the reverse effect of vacuous black holes of space surrounded by tenuous rings of what had been incandescent suns.

This fact will be further explained later when discussing the gyroscope principle.

Comprehension of this two-way pulsing effect in Nature makes it more easy to comprehend the rhythmic heartbeat of the universal cosmic pump, for its pistons must continue the inbreathing-outbreathing sequences in every particle of matter in the universe to simulate the eternal life principle by eternal repetitions of life-death cycles.

One, Divided, Universal Heart Beat

Comprehension of this fact will also clarify the illusion which this cosmic cinema really is, and also make understandable the reason why "any happening anywhere happens everywhere."

Further clarification of these secrets of the invisible universe would unnecessarily lengthen this treatise, but before passing I will give a law which is valid in Nature. This new law which is fully explained in The Home Study Course is as follows: Every action-reaction in Nature is voided as it occurs, is recorded as it is voided, and repeated as it is recorded.

This is a zero universe of seeming. Its seeming reality is but a mirage extended from two zeros upon the blank screen of space to create the illusion of reality in an unreal universe. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 52-53]
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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday January 9, 2022 04:36:41 MST by Dale Pond.