
Law of Resonant Frequency

Law of Resonant Frequency

Meaning that every element either bonds or breaks its bonds with other elements based upon a specific number of vibrations. An accurate number of vibrations holds all Matter together or causes the release of collected Matter. This is the contracting and expanding principles of the Universe working at the smallest level. Some of that motion has been observed and classified under a term called the "Browning Effect". Nevertheless, if any one of those atoms oscillated one time either more or less in a sequence, the process of bonding or the breaking of bonds would never occur. Consequently, there would be no such thing as reproduction, nor birth, growth, aging and eventual death, which leads to a rebirthing process. For all of these functions that are directly reliant upon accurate oscillations of each element in order for their to be this thing called Existence. [Terrence Howard, Does 1x1=1 or Does 1x1=2]

See Also

Bjerknes Effect
Sympathetic Association
Sympathetic Oscillation
Sympathetic Vibration

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday March 12, 2020 03:57:43 MDT by dale.