To understand the meaning of life and death, we must know more of Nature's processes, especially those concerning our body, and the spirit within which motivates the body and forever records our constantly changing individuality. We must know the basis of our individuality and the reason for its constant changing. In order to understand "what happens after death," we must become more fully aware of Nature's processes which give us bodies and take them away to regive new bodies to fulfill Nature's law of repetition.
Man's electrically sensed body is not the immortal man which his body manifests. His body is not the individual to which he attributes his life and Being. His body is composed of a few chemical elements borrowed from earth and sun to fashion into an instrument for his use.
When his body disappears, the individual which inhabited that body is not dead. Every body emerges from a formless state into a formed one in repeated cycles of appearance, disappearance and reappearance.
All creating things are formless as idea at their Source. They then unfold into formed idea through desire to unfold. This process of emergence from a formless state and a return to that state has been going on within man's body since its beginning.
All bodies of all creating things are forever turning inside-out and outside-in during their entire cycles. During a small part of the cycle, bodies are within the range of human sensing, but during the greater part of the cycle they are beyond that range. At no time during the entire cycle are creating things without bodies, or patterned records of bodies, from which new bodies will again spring true to their patterned records.
Each inbreathing-outbreathing cycle is unfolding the form of a new body from an already existent patterned record. The constant refolding process which man calls death is recorded as it refolds for repetition in his next life cycle.
Nature records every action and desire of the body, likewise every conscious desire and thought of the soul in those cosmic elements which are called "the inert gases"- helium , neon, krypton, argon and others. These cosmic elements, which will not unite with the physical elements, are the basis of God's recording system by means of which every thought and action of every creating thing is stored in them as seed-extensions from sun and earth centers for repetition until their purposes are fulfilled.
Everything in Nature is purposeful and nothing in Nature fulfills its purpose in one life cycle.
Nature multiplies the time dimensions of her light waves so that patterned records of forms which have expanded beyond man's range of sensing can come within that range, then divides those time dimensions until they again disappear into the other half of their cycle beyond man's range of sensing.
[Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 203-205]
See Also