

"In order for one to receive the fullest benefits from the study of Kabbalah, one must be able to understand it thoroughly. In order to do this one must be able to penetrate the veil of Kabbalistic metaphors. All the secrets of the Torah have been concealed and written in code fashion because when properly deciphered and understood the Kabbalah unleashed the power locked up in the human mind; the same power used in the creation of the universe. Such power can only be entrusted into the hands of those who are of appropriate moral and spiritual character, those that can be trusted not to abuse it. Kabbalah is far more than a mere metaphysical philosophy. Kabbalah is much more than mystical thoughts and obscure concepts. Granted, major sections of Kabbalistic study are learned through philosophy, thoughts, and concepts, nonetheless, the lessons learned must be properly applied to one’s life. This was the message of the Ba’al Shem Tov. When this occurs, one’s life becomes transformed. One’s consciousness expands and becomes inclusive of a previously invisible world." [by Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok]

"The old Kabbala," writes Dr. Seth Pancoast, in 'The True Science of Light', with its curious and comprehensive symbol-language, is at once an elaborate system of natural philosophy, and a profound system of theology; an illuminated exposition of the mysterious truths of nature" (i. e., the hidden things of God) and of that higher science which the book of nature unfolds to the enlightened eye of the Soul; the science of religion. Our readers would be slow to realize, many even unwilling to recognize, the fact that the grand old Kabbalistic theosophy was the native root, the central trunk, whence all the religions 'the world has ever known sprang as shoots and branches from a parent tree. Yet this is absolutely true. Our Bible is a translation into words of the symbols of the Kabbala. The reader would be astonished if he could read the Bible in the light of the Kabbala; first, to discover this close accordance; second, to find internal evidence, so clear as to be irrefragable, that the book of nature, true science, and the written Word, are one in source and significance; and third, to learn that the Bible is not the book of enigmas that ordinary commentators would make us believe, but is the written revelation of God's work, will, and ultimate purpose in creation; and of His essential attributes as well; - but only to those who understand its hidden symbolic and esoteric meaning.

"This is written of the Hebrew Kabbala, the Hebrew theosophy. The Hindu theosophy is not a religion; it is a system of philosophy derived from the wonderful Kabbala; the teachings of which, concerning nature's Sympathetic Streams (flowing from the central sun of the universe), led Keely into the path of research which has enabled him not only to "hook his machinery on to the machinery of nature," but to disclose the moving power, the vital principle." Bloomfield-Moore; What Electricity Is - Bloomfield Moore

Manly Palmer Hall
"The Transcendentalism of the Qabbalah is Founded Upon the Ancient and Magical Formula of King Solomon. Who has Long been Considered by the Jews as Prince of Ceremonial Magicians." [Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990)]

The Tree of Life, of course, is mentioned many times in the Bible, from the beginning of the Book of Genesis to last part of the Book of Revelation. One who eats from this Tree, according to the Bible, is given "eternal life." The above diagram of the Tree of Life is part of an ancient tradition called "Kabala." Other spellings of the word include, kabbala, cabala, cabbala, quabala, and qabbalah. This is generally known as a special Hebrew tradition, the occult philosophy of certain Jewish rabbis, especially in the Middle Ages, based on a mystical interpretation of the Scriptures. Many scholars believe that the tradition is much older; that it traces back to the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians.

Connections to Ancient Sumeria
Over one hundred years ago, clay tablets were found in present day Iraq. They were artifacts with Cuneiform writings and pictographic carvings, left by the ancient people of that region. The Assyrian and Babylonian empires were located in that area long ago, but an even more ancient one preceded them, called Sumer, which in the Bible is called "Land of Shine'ar." According to scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, in Divine Encounters (page 7) -

Sumer (the biblical Shine'ar) was the land where the first known and fully documented civilization sprang up after the Deluge, appearing suddenly and all at once some six thousand years ago.

Some of the pictographic carvings have depictions similar to the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The oldest story in history, The Epic of Gilgamesh, was also found. Gilgamesh was a king, who was part god. He traveled to a far place, looking for the plant or tree that gave eternal life.

The Meaning of the Tree of Life
The Kabalistic Tree is sometimes called The Sephirotic Tree of Life. The circles or spheres are called sephiroth. A single circle or sphere is called a sephira. The teachings about the Kabalistic Tree of Life are very deep and complex. The ten spheres and 22 paths of The Tree generally represent the nature of the forces behind Creation on all levels, from microscopic to macrocosmic. The Tarot Cards are also associated with The Tree.

The Hebrew word ???? (Kabbalah) has a Gematria (numerical value) of 137. In Modern Hebrew, the root of Kabbalah ?-?-? can mean either "receiving" or "parallel". Kabbalah is generally taken to mean "the received tradition", which conveys the continuity of a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. Nevertheless, the earlier nuance of meaning is seen in the first appearances of its root in the Torah (Exodus 26:5 and 36:12), where it means "parallel" or "corresponding" rather than "receiving". It is used to describe the "corresponding loops", which, when clasped together, enjoined the two sections of the Tabernacle's ceiling. These loops were suspended directly over the veil that divided the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Symbolically, this is the threshold between the physical dimension and the utterly spiritual dimension. In other words, at the boundary line of the physical world, the number 137 emerges. The wisdom of Kabbalah is to find correspondences between the mundane and spiritual levels of reality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/137_(number)

"No secrets are taught in Kabbalah. The wisdom of Kabbalah is called “the wisdom of the hidden,” not because it is secret in and of itself, but because it reveals things that were hidden before we began to study. It reveals everything that surrounds us.
However, the wisdom of Kabbalah is comprised of two parts: “flavors of the Torah” and “secrets of the Torah.” The flavors of the Torah investigate the structure of the spiritual worlds, man’s soul, and how one should correct oneself. Everyone is permitted to study that part. This material is written about in books of Kabbalah sold all over the world and translated into English, Russian and other languages. Anyone can learn the flavors of the Torah.
The “secrets of the Torah” is the hidden part of the Torah. Nothing is written about it in any book. That part is taught only after a person has acquired the flavors of the Torah, attained the structure of the spiritual worlds as well as one’s own completely, and recognized and partaken of the process of creation.
A person who has attained that level, where physical life and death do not exist, sees the entire process from beginning to end and is above our world. Then the secrets open up like innermost fountains, and we understand the laws that are at the basis of that system. Before that, we will not understand the meaning of those secrets, even if we heard or saw them." [Rav Michael Laitman]

"In the most basic level, Keter is seen as the concept of Cause, while Malkhut is the archetype of Effect, Since a cause cannot exist without an effect, and an effect cannot exist without a cause, the two are interdependent on each other.
The Sefer Yeizirah likens this to a "flame bound to a burning coal," A flame cannot exist without the coal. and the burning coal cannot exist without the flame. Although the coal is the cause of the flame, the flame is also the cause of the burning coal Without the flame, it would not be a burning coal Since Cause cannot exist without Effect.
Effect is also the cause of Cause, In this sense. Effect is the cause, and Cause is the effect.
Since beginning and end are inseparable, "their end is imbedded in their beginning, and their beginning in their end." [Aryeh Kaplan "Sefer Yetzirah The Book Of Creation"]


See Also

Ein Sof
John Ralston Skinner
Kabbala - Introduction
Kabbala - The True Science of Light
Kabbalistic Tree of Life
seven Spirits
Tree of Knowledge

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday April 7, 2024 04:21:45 MDT by Dale Pond.