[p. xxxix]
We live in a bewildering world of mysteries which man has been trying to solve for ages. Knowledge comes slowly to the unfolding intelligence of man, however. Fear is the penalty and
[p. xxxx]
lot of every man until knowledge makes fear impossible. In the meantime, a little knowledge and much mystery keeps fear alive in the whole human race, and out of fear for what can happen to his body comes greed, avariciousness, hatreds and enmities. Man started that way in his jungle. Knowing nothing he feared everything, from avalanche to tornado, to wild beasts of his jungle and every other man. As knowledge began to come into the world, fear began to leave it and love became a small part of human relations.
Man knows very little about his universe and its Creator as yet, and so he still fears, hates, conquers and kills for the greed which is still a large part of the human relations of man, and he makes enemies because of his ignorance of his eternal brotherhood and Oneness with all other men.
All through this book we will gradually open new doors to knowledge of our universe, and reveal God as an ever-present reality instead of a mystery. By fully knowing the relationship of man to God, and of man to man; fear, greed, hate and enmity will depart from it and let love in. That knowledge, and that alone, will transform the human race from its present disunited fearing stage to one of unity in which the intent of the Creator and the desire of man shall see its One World ideal fulfilled.
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