noun: the act of suspending activity temporarily
noun: a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
"In setting the conditions of molecular sympathetic transmission by wire," writes Keely, "the same law calls for the harmonious adjustment of the thirds, to produce a non-intermittent flow of sympathy. Intermission means failure here. That differential molecular volume is required of sympathetic flow, seems at first sight to controvert the very law established by the great Creator, which constitutes harmony, a paradoxical position which has heretofore misled physicists who have propounded and set forth most erroneous doctrines, because they have accepted the introductory conditions, discarding their sympathetic surroundings. The volume of the neutral center of the earth is of no more magnitude than the one of a molecule, the sympathetic condition of one can be reached in the same time as the other by its coincident chord." Keely has ... attained the transmission of the etheric current in the same manner as the electric current with this one notable difference, that, in order to show insulation to the skeptical, he passes the etheric current, through blocks of glass in running his vibratory devices. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]