GaNS an acronym for gas in a nano solid state.
What is GANS?
GANS means Gas in a Nano State.
We have three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas form), but what we fail to know is that the most abundant state of matter all around us is plasma. Plasma is known as the 4th state of matter or the first state of matter from energy.
Plasma is a hot ionized gas consisting of approximately equal numbers of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. The characteristics of plasmas are significantly different from those of ordinary neutral gases. Plasma is kind of like an interface between matter and energy. We can call it,” the bridge between matter and consciousness“. The Plasma fields can be harvested through a process we call GANS.
Different GANS make different plasmas that we can use to heal pets, plants and ourselves. We can harvest plasma from the GANS for healing, well-being and homeostasis. Plasma fields restore order to our body’s cellular regenerative system. Plasma energy is what our bodies are made of. Plasma is conducive only to life; it is working beyond the physical, in the non-duality field. It is the primordial energy vibration that helps facilitate healing.
The biggest form of plasma you will see is our very own sun. The sun’s enormous heat rips electrons off the hydrogen and helium molecules that make up the sun. Essentially, the sun, like most stars, is a great big ball of plasma. Fire, lightning and the northern lights are all plasma forms. 99.9 % of all matter in the universe is in the plasma phase. Plasma is energy that has an unpolarised field created through magnetic and gravitational fields, which creates a torus field, which is an open source field, a field of creation.
Plasma is made of particles that are strongly influenced by electric, magnetic and gravitational fields, while neutral gases are not. It is altered molecules, which have enhanced properties. It constantly gives off energy/radiation/fields, like a little Sun! Plasma energy is an energy field which water can store information, due to its memory capacity. It is the closest thing to source energy in this experience at this moment and it vibrates at a perfectly balanced frequency. GANS can be used to attract and repel or can be used to bring another similar field into balance. It holds a perfectly tuned note, or notes that enable our bodies system to re-tune or come into balance.
If we look at this as a perspective of music, we can use the example of a musical note. For the most part, many of us can hear when someone is singing off key, this would represent an imbalance in someone’s field. If someone is not aware that they are singing off key, we provide them with a reference. We play the note the singer should be singing by pressing a key on the piano, the singer then has a reference of where they should be singing and adjust their voice to match. This is what GANS is. GANS represents the perfect tune of that element, the reference note. It is the essence of spirit in its perfect balance. When we create Co2 GANS, we are creating toroidal plasmatic fields of carbon and oxygen. Considering that our bodies are made of 83.5% carbon and oxygen, what do you think will happen when our field comes into contact with this field?
GANS can be used for healing, balancing the fields of the environment and the body. There are many ways to use them.
You can put a pinch of Gans in a big container of water and let it settle. The fields of the GANS transfer into the water almost instantly. You let the GANS settle to bottom of the container, which takes an hour or so, then you can drink the water on top.
Add it to your bath water for deep healing. Use it to water plants, spray around the house inside or outside, spray around the yard, the city etc.
You can use GANS with a health pen, by pointing the pen to the effected area or the hand at the reflexology points. You can also place the pen in your glass or attach to water jug.
These GANS connect to all the other GANS, thus slowly elevating the soul of the planet, everything on it, in it, under it and slowly bringing back into balance the creation as it was intended.
There are many uses for the GANS. Don't forget, you yourself are walking talking GANS. Every GANS is a mini sun, much like the energy at the core of every cell in your body. It, we, are all connected.
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