Can someone tell me what the ECRL thing is all about? Here is an original EC quote then the ECRL version. They are not the same.
"(Q) Is my desire to accumulate wealth in order to provide service for humanity an admirable one?
(A) An admirable one; but do not put the cart before the horse! If a person cannot provide service through their income, they will barely keep their body and soul together." [Cayce (2409-1)] (original)
"(Q) Is my desire to accumulate wealth in order to render service to humanity a laudable one?
(A) A laudable one; but do not put the cart before the horse! Because, if one’s income will barely keep body and soul together, one cannot render service." [ECRL 2409-1] (edited)
"ECRL is used to make the language of the Readings more understandable to the modern reader. Many of the people who read the Readings understand English as their second language. Also, many people who have English as their language are confused by the Readings words and sentence structure." [Susan Rogacki]
"Yes, but the quotes presented are not the same. Do not say or mean the same. If ECRL is a translation then I suggest ARE gets a better translator. It sounds like they mean well but misinterpreting EC is not serving anyone correct information, imho." [Dale Pond]