
Cosmic cinema

Fig. 23, 24, 25. The three projection mirrors of the Cosmic Cinema. [Atomic Suicide, page 112]

"God is ONE - at eternal rest. Creation is TWO in the perpetual tensions of motion. The divided two in action desire rest in Oneness. They find rest by interchange, but lose it as they find it until they can interchange no more. A long interval of rest in "death" then follows but it is only an interval. It is just one black gap of the many rests between actions of God's Cosmic cinema, which simulates the Idea of Creation which He has imagined into seeming being. Life in Mind is eternally existent. Life in matter eternally repeats its simulations of existence." [Atomic Suicide, page 117]

"It would be even more simple to think of our universe as a Cosmic cinema, for it parallels the cinema of man in every respect." [Atomic Suicide, page 178]

"There is no motion in the Cosmic cinema. All of it is a radial projection from a zero fulcrum of stillness. It is the apex of an unborn cone. A radial projection from zero creates the illusion of a three-dimensional universe. Its sequences of pulsings create the illusion of time. Your body is a Mind-projection of your Self." [Atomic Suicide, page 245]

"After all, a Cosmic cinema must have its projecting machine just as man's projector must have its mirrors and lenses. As a fact of Nature, the cube of nine light planes of zero curvature is the Cosmic projector, and the equipotential curved light-pressures, which are the product of that projection, are its lenses which divide and multiply projected effect." [Atomic Suicide, page 247]

"Consciousness is like a movie screen that is infinitely expanded and is aware. It is aware of images appearing on it. Without images, it is just aware of its transparent emptiness. Itself alone. Do the images fragment the screen? No, the screen only experiences a coloring or vibration of itself. For whom is their a multiplicity of forms and selves? For the character in the movie – from the limited and illusory point of view of the character."
— Rupert Spira
"The mirror of Consciousness is the screen on which everything is experienced, and at the same time it is that which experiences everything."
— Rupert Spira
"The Real is ever-present, like the screen on which the cinematographic pictures move. While the picture appears on it, the screen remains invisible. Stop the picture, and the screen will become clear. All thoughts and events are merely pictures moving on the screen of Pure Consciousness, which alone is real."
— Ramana Maharshi
"The state of being is permanent and the body and the world are not. They are fleeting phenomena passing on the screen of being-consciousness which is eternal and stationary."
— Ramana Maharshi
"We know all the images on a movie screen are composed of light, but we are not usually aware of the light itself; our attention is caught up in the images that appear and the stories they tell. In much the same way, we know we are conscious, but we are usually aware only of the many different perceptions, thoughts, and feelings that appear in the mind. We are seldom aware of consciousness itself."
— Peter Russell
"A non-existent picture shows, but what exists is only wall. So too, what shines is consciousness, here in the form of changing world."
— Shri Jnyaneshwar
"An actor on the movie screen seems so real; but he is nothing but radiation divided into light and shadow issuing from the projection booth. Man should realize the ethereal nature of his being—made of light and consciousness, divine and indestructible, projected on the screen of time and space by the creative Cosmic Beam of God."
— Paramahansa Yogananda
"Consciousness can be likened to the light from a film projector. The projector shines light onto a screen, modifying the light so as to produce one of an infinity of possible images. These images are like the perceptions, sensations, dreams, memories, thoughts, and feelings that we experience—the forms arising in consciousness. The light itself, without which no images would be possible, corresponds to this ability of consciousness to take on form."
— Peter Russell
"God is the ocean, man (the individualized soul) is a wave. As man is a part of God, so is he never truly apart from Him. By the power of maya, a portion of God’s cosmic consciousness is cloaked in Nature’s garb, a body fitted with five external senses and one internal sense, mind. Paramahansa Yogananda
With the realization of God comes all power. If the little wave knew that behind it is the great ocean, it could say, “I am the ocean.” You should realize that just behind your consciousness is the Ocean of God."
— Paramahansa Yogananda
"If you have your attention on what is see its fullness in every moment you will discover the dance of the divine in every leaf, in every petal, in every blade of grass, in every rainbow, in every rushing stream, in every breath of every living being. …beyond memory and judgement lies the ocean of universal consciousness."
— Deepak Chopra
"When the drop of consciousness that knows itself as an individual drifts back far enough, it becomes like the drop that falls into the ocean. The Atman (Soul) falls into the Paramatman (Supreme Soul). The individual consciousness falls into the Universal Oneness. And that’s it."
— Michael A. Singer
"Life is like a tree and its root is consciousness. Therefore, once we tend the root, the tree as a whole will be healthy."
— Deepak Chopra
"The normal self is the mind. The mind is with limitations. But pure Consciousness is beyond limitations, and is reached by investigation into the “I.”"
— Ramana Maharshi
"Man’s ethics must not end with man, but should extend to the universe. He must regain the consciousness of the great Chain of Life from which he cannot be separated."
— Albert Schweitzer
"Ultimate Realization of the identity of Consciousness with Divinity Itself."
— David R. Hawkins

See Also

Atomic Suicide - Fig 7
Cosmic Electronic Vacuum Tube
Cosmic harp
Cosmic Kaleidoscope
cosmic keyboard
Cosmic vacuum tube
Mirrors and Lens of Cosmic Cinema
motion picture universe
pulsating cinema

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday December 8, 2023 05:21:30 MST by Dale Pond.