The desire of God to give of His love is manifested in projected action as an outward explosion from a centering point of rest acting as a fulcrum. The desire to regive is simultaneously "radarred" back from every point of its progress to refold the unfolding action. All action in Nature is forever disappearing into a mirror of its own image of equal potential. (Figs. 5 and 6)

Every projected action in Nature which is simultaneously "radarred" back as a reprojected reaction is sequentially repeated as a similar echo from its wave field boundary planes of zero curvature. (Fig. 7)

All actions in Nature are outward explosions - slow actions of growing things, or fast actions of released dynamite or atom bomb. Conversely, all reactions are inward explosions. Actions unfold formlessness into form. Reactions refold form into formlessness. Actions are the basis of radiation. Reactions are the basis of gravitation. (Fig. 8)

Every action anywhere is repeated every where throughout the universe. As a consequence, harmonic centers of the same measure of desire extend their actions outward from their centers toward other harmonic centers. Harmonic explosions of equal measure thus fill all space in God's omnipresent universe.? (Fig. 9)

Outward explosions which meet each other cannot be spheres, for all space must be filled. Tennis balls crushed together become cubes by gradually flattening where they meet at six points on curved surfaces. Likewise, outer explosions flatten into the six planes of cubes. (Fig. 10)

Outward-inward explosions are resisted at their maximum in the direction of the six points where spheres meet. They are consequently deflected to the eight points of least resistance which become diagonals of cubes instead of radii of spheres. (Fig. 11)

Eight directions of two-way expressed force are thus generated which become the basis of the octave wave. (Fig. 12)

Outward-inward explosions projected through each other develop two opposed pressures. The outward direction divides its potential by expanding it radially. The inward direction multiplies it by compressing it radially. Thus, the two opposite plus and minus equilibrium conditions are produced which motivate this electric universe of two-way motion, give to it its heartbeat and produce all effects of illusion caused by the interchange of the two conditions of matter. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 220-222]
See Also
10.08 - Corner Vortices
6.12 - Corner and Face Cubes
6.6 - Cube Corner Retroreflectors
6.7 - Corner receivers from corners of cubes
Corner Cube Prisms
Corner Cube Retro-Reflectors
Corner cube retroreflectors
corner projector
corner reflector
corner reflectors of radar
Figure 10.07 - Corner Vortices and Vectors
Figure 10.08 - Sympathetic Streams entering and exiting Corners
Figure 6.10 - Wave Dynamics between Cube Corners
Figure 6.11 - Cube Corner Reflectors Dissipating and Concentrating
Figure 6.16 - Juxtaposed Corner Cubes
radar corner receivers
radar corner reflector